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RAPS school supply list

Raggedy Ann Preschool is part of the Children’s Ministry Program at Grace United Methodist Church. The school offers preschool programs for three-, four- and five-year-old children of any religious denomination. Vacations and holidays generally coincide with the South Bend Community School Corporation’s public school calendar.

Preschool classes are limited in size and a child’s progress in our program is well communicated to parents by written reports and individually scheduled parent observations and conferences. A newsletter and monthly calendar also keep parents informed.

The Grace Raggedy Ann Preschool program features structured classroom activities and creative group play in our gymnasium or fenced playground.

The overall goal is to promote healthy growth for your child, the result of physical, mental and social well-being. The curriculum is planned to give each child an opportunity to enlarge his or her world. It is based on the spontaneous interest of the children and consists of first-hand experiences, supervised and guided by enthusiastic and experienced teachers within a program designed to “fit” your child.

Academic Skills

We expect the child to acquire whatever he or she can, not through formal teaching, but by provision of a helpful, challenging and stimulating environment which makes the acquisition of such skills fun. Learning should be a joy!

The school is equipped to stimulate the child’s interests and imagination. Our programs and learning materials are designed specifically for young children.